Monday, January 28, 2008

Master's Academy of Fine Arts - Cape Town, SA

This is the blogsite for MAFA-Cape Town. This is the place for students to communicate with other Master's Academies around the world. We are all interested in communicating pen pals, so please take the time to add your comments at the end of each update. Our goal is to communicate about our school, friends, family, city, country and continent. And to learn about the world outside of Africa!

There are fifteen of us ranging in age from 5 - 12. Isabel, Narcisse, Eunice, David, Deborah and Manuella, Liam and Taku were born in Cape Town. Israel, Jael, Samuel, Abigail, Penuel and Chelmy were all born in DRC Congo. Soon Isabel, Narcisse and Eunice will be moving to Angola. So we want to tell you about three countries in Africa. Two- South Africa and Congo from what we know and we will tell you about Angola as the girls update us. Susan hopes to go for a visit soon to Angola with the hopes of establishing a new school there for the three girls and their friends. They are the reason Susan started the school in the first place. We will miss them very much, but hope to stay in touch with post cards and letters frequently!

We want to start with a post card to all of you from South Africa! These are the lyrics to our national anthem. We are very pleased that the song is literally a prayer for God to bless our nation! And speaking of our nation... we'd like to take you on a few of the hotspots! Will add some pics to our next update... hope to see some from you soon, too! Table Mountain... here we come! Of course, last week we had a bit of a set back: there was an electricity outage and the cable car that takes folks to the top of Table Mountain stopped! People were afraid and three of them jumped out. But our friend Dion Fabe, a tour guide who was with them, calmed everyone else down and the cable car made it to its destination. Whew! There are quite the perils ascending this mountain and that's only one of them! :)

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